
Buse Eren

Buse Eren completed her BA at Istanbul University (2014-2018) and Medipol University (2015-2019), where she received a full scholarship and as an honor student in both and simultaneously. At Istanbul University, in addition to her bachelor's degree in Labor Economics and Industrial Relations and Business Administration, she also completed a minor program in Economics. Eren was also awarded a full scholarship to Medipol University's Health Management Department, and in addition to a full scholarship, she was also awarded a merit scholarship throughout her education.

In 2019, she started the Social Policy master's program at Boğaziçi University. She completed her thesis titled "Future Planning and Social Policy Expectations of Families with Children with Down Syndrome" and received her master's degree. Buse Eren continues her academic studies as a researcher at the Social Policy Forum, and her research interests include disability issues, health policies, employment relations, disaster policies, and care relations and policies.

Affiliated Researcher
Assist. Prof.Osman Savaşkan

Osman Savaşkan is an assistant prof. at the department of Local Governmet at Marmara University. He received BA (2005) from Political Science and International relations at Marmara University, , and MA (2007) at the Ataturk Institute for Modern Turkish History, Boğaziçi University. He earned the PhD (2015) in Modern Turkish History from Boğaziçi University, the Ataturk Institute for Modern Turkish History with his dissertation titled "State Rescaling and the Dynamics of Government-Business Relations in two Turkish Cities.” During his PhD studies, he spent a year as a visiting scholar at Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. His areas of interest include political economy, state rescaling and process of decentralization reforms, urbanization in developing countries. He has articles published in  New Perspectives on Turkey and Toplum ve Bilim. He is the co-author of the book entitled New Capitalism in Turkey: The relaitonship between Politics, Religion and Business (Edward Elgar, 2014).


Affiliated Researchers'


Nihal Kayalı

University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)


Elifcan Çelebi

Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (MPIfG) 


Ayşe Alnıaçık

University of Pittsburgh 


Yasemin Taşkın Alp

UC San Diego


A. Elizabeth DeLuca

University of California 
