Social Policy and Development Seminars 2020: Migration, Diversity and Urban Co-Existence: Contemporary Perspectives

Friday, February 28, 2020 - 15:00
Konferanslar, Seminerler, Atölye Çalışmaları
Ozger Arnas Seminar Room, Bogazici University
Dr. Kristen Biehl


On Friday, February 28, Dr. Kristen Biehl, an Assistant Professor at Sabancı University will deliver her presentation on her research titled "Migration, Diversity and Urban Co-Existence: Contemporary Perspectives" at Boğaziçi University.


Migration, Diversity and Urban Co-Existence: Contemporary Perspectives.

Migration stands out as one of the most characteristic and complex features of the 21st century as more people than ever, coming from increasingly more disparate places, are migrating to new destinations for a greater variety of reasons and under distinct circumstances. A shared aspect is that most of these migrations are urban in nature, being concentrated in cities attracting human, financial and other flows from across the globe. In this talk, the presenter will be discussing some of the recent conceptual turns in the migration studies field which have been developed to better understand these changing migration dynamics and their impact of urban life. These concepts will then be situated within the expanding field of international migration studies in Turkey, including both her prior ethnographic research exploring migration linked diversity and change in Istanbul’s Kumkapı neighborhood and current research examining “social cohesion” programs and initiatives within Turkey’s refugee response.

About the Presenter

Dr. Kristen Biehl is an Assistant Professor at Sabancı University Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and a researcher at Sabancı University Gender and Women’s Studies Center of Excellence (SU Gender). She holds a D.Phil in Social and Cultural Anthropology from the University of Oxford. Her research interests range from examining ethnographically processes of change and practices of co-existence in urban contexts of migration, to exploring the impact of different social integration and cohesion policies and programs for refugees in Turkey. For close to 15 years she has been involved both academically and professionally in research within the migration and asylum field in Turkey. Her research has been published in peer-reviewed academic journals, including Ethnic and Racial Studies and Social Analysis, as well as various edited volumes. In this context, she has also worked closely with a great range of international, national and local actors working with different migrant and refugee communities in Turkey.

About the Social Policy and Development Seminar Series

Hosted by Development Analytics and Bogazici University's Social Policy Forum, Social Policy and Development Seminar Series aim to bring together academics, researchers and students to stimulate a discussion about current research in social policies and global development.

Please RSVP at the link below before Wednesday, February 26th